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Testing Web Applications

GUARDARA's Google Chrome extension allows testing web applications with ease. Using the extension, you can start tests straight from your web browser with just three clicks.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  1. Install the Google Chrome extension
  2. Set up the extension
  3. Import requests into GUARDARA
  4. Start tests

Environment Setup

If you haven't installed the Manager yet, the Manager Installation section of the documentation will guide you through the process.

Then, follow the Engine Deployment instructions to set up an external Engine. Make sure you deploy the Engine so that it can communicate with the web service you would like to test.

Installing the Chrome Extension

Follow the steps below to install the extension.

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Visit the GUARDARA Chrome Extension in the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Click the "Add to Chrome" button in the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. A pop-up window will appear waiting for confirmation. Click the "Add extension" button.

If the installation was successful, the extension should be visible at chrome://extensions/.

Configuring the Extension

The extension requires initial configuration so it can communicate with GUARDARA. The instructions below guide you through the process.

  1. In your browser where the extension is deployed visit the Settings / API Keys page of the Manager.
  2. Open the web browser's Developer Tools. (Option + Command + i on MacOS)
  3. Locate and click on the GUARDARA tab at the top of the Developer Tools panel. Move to the Configuration Tab.
  4. In the Settings / API Keys page click on the + button to create an API key.
  5. Name your API key.
  6. Set up the API scopes required for the GUARDARA extension. You can find the required scopes listed by the extension under the Configuration Tab.
  7. Configure the expiry date and time of the API key. By default, it will expire in a month.
  8. Click the Save button.

At this point you should see something similar to what is shown by the picture below.

Chrome Extension Setup

Complete the setup by:

  1. (Optional) Updating the GUARDARA API Endpoint as appropriate for your deployment in the Configuration tab of the extension.
  2. Copy and pasting the API Key into the appropriate fields of the extension.
  3. Selecting an Engine you would like the Preview feature and your imported tests to use. Please note this field only appears after a valid API key has been provided and once you leave the API Key input field of the extension.

Importing Requests

The extension displays all requests performed by the web browser on the REQUESTS tab. If you switch to this tab, visit any website, or perform any action on a website that triggers a request, you will immediately see the requests showing up.


You can narrow down the requests you are interested in using sophisticated capture filters. Click on the Filters icon to configure your filters at the top of the table.

Follow the instructions below to import the request of your choosing into GUARDARA.

  1. Right click on the request you would like to import.
  2. Select the Import to GUARDARA option from the context menu.
  3. Using the pop-up dialog, provide a name for your imported project.
  4. Click on the Save button.

Running Tests

At this point, you are ready to run a test using the imported request. You can do this by either:

  • Switching to the Projects tab and clicking on the Start test button, or
  • Going to the Test Assets page in GUARDARA Manager and start the test by clicking on the Start Test button of the imported Project

Testing may cause service disruption in case the target under test is unreliable. Do not run tests against any targets you are not authorized to test.

Active tests are not visible from the extension. To view running tests, click the little “eye” icon at the top of the table. This will open GUARDARA’s Tests page in a new tab where you can see all running tests.

What's Next

It is recommended to read through the other tutorials and the areas of the documentation that focus on topics related to implementing or customizing test configurations. GUARDARA is very capable, and there is a lot to it than what meets the eye.